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146 Van Noordtkade
Amsterdam, NH, 1013 CA

06 16104310

I'm a Freelance Digital Designer/animator with 10 years experience in advertising. Ik ben een Senior digital Designer uit Amsterdam met meer dan 10 jaar ervaring.

Promo Beat tape by 80


Hi there,

My name is Bo van Veen, and I produce under the banner ‘80’. Four years ago, after 18 years as a graphic designer, I made the bold decision to transition to music production. Many called me crazy, but I felt compelled to pursue my passion. Since then, I've dedicated myself to improving my skills as a beat maker, mixer, and recording artist.

To showcase my style, I've created this promotional album. It features some of my favorite vocals layered over my beats, separated using AI, specifically for promoting my music. If you're interested in collaborating with me, please reach out via email or Instagram.

Looking forward to connecting with you!

Best, Bo van Veen